Grade 12 School Initiated Course: Treaties and the Treaty Relationship

Grade 12 Course: Treaties and the Treaty Relationship

TRCM has created a Grade 12 course for implementation in Manitoba secondary schools called “Treaties and the Treaty Relationship: a Local Treaty Experience”.

This course serves to bookend the content found in the Kindergarten to grade 12 teacher’s guides.

For more information about the course and/or training for your school division centred on its delivery, please contact the Treaty Education Manager.

‘Treaties and the Treaty Relationship: A Local Treaty Experience’ consists of five clusters:

Teaching Treaties K-12 materials for the course include a full curriculum document, supplementary teacher’s guide for teaching local Treaty history, and a Treaty Education Grade 12-adapted Kit. Our team also provides one-on-one support, when available. 

Grade 12 ‘Treaties and the Treaty Relationship’:  
  • Is a Grade 12 curriculum framework for Manitoba schools.
  • Students can obtain one-credit towards their graduation. This 110-hour course that meets Manitoba Education requirements for School Initiated Course (SIC) registration.
  • It supports, enhances, and complements the Manitoba social studies curriculum.
  • While concerted focus is on local Treaty history, this course also explores all Numbered Treaties and the Treaty relationship in national and international contexts.